
Cookies Policy

Last updated: 18/07/2024

A. Introduction

Like most websites, we use cookies and similar technologies during your visit to website, hereinafter referred to as the “Site”.

We use these technologies in order to make sure that your access is easy and effective, that we can provide certain functionalities to you, as well as gather some information about your navigation that are essential to the proper functioning of our Site.

Cookies are small text files stored on the hard drive of your computer or other electronic device. Cookies are unique to each web browser (web browsers including, e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer etc) and contain information relating to the websites you visit and the devices you use.

Our website has been developed with WordPress CMS, which uses cookies for effective functionality.

Cookies and the technologies which the Site uses can be divided into the following categories:

B. Essential cookies

These cookies are related to the saving of information or accessing to already stored information on your device, with the sole purpose of facilitating communication via an electronic communications network, and to an extent that is absolutely necessary to provide a social information service, that you have expressly requested.

As far as these cookies are concerned, you are not offered the option of rejecting them, since it would not otherwise be possible for the Site to offer its services.

 cookieyes-consent autotech.grSession Used to store website privacy preferences.
wordpress_test_cookie Session It is used to check if the user’s browser has the cookies function enabled.

C. Functionality cookies

These cookies are not essential, but they do serve to improve your experience of using the Site, by providing a series of useful functions, such as remembering your preferences (e.g. language, username), show videos or sharing content in social media.

C.1 Cookies for social plug-in content sharing cookies

Our Site does not use third party services in order to share content on social media from members who are already logged in these media.

However, social media platforms use their own cookies, which are set up when you share content (e.g. one of our articles) on social media (e.g. Twitter), and usually record some basic information related to the user and transfer them to the server of this platform.

Cookies are usually activated only when you click on the corresponding social network symbol, thus providing your consent for the transfer of your data to the respective provider. The legal basis for using plugins is your consent and the legitimate interest of the provider.

These cookies transmit data such as your IP address to the servers of the respective provider, where they are stored. It is very likely that this data will be used by social media to create profiles about your online behavior.

As you can easily understand, we have no control nor influence over the extent of the data collected or the ways in which it is processed, as these are defined by each medium.

We strongly encourage you to look for more detailed information on how these media process your data, cookie policies and data protection, as well as other sources of information provided by them, such this

C.2 More information on third party functionality cookies

Google Web Fonts

Our Site uses Google Web Fonts services for its fonts. Google Fonts is designed to limit the collection, storage and processing of your data to the absolutely necessary for optimal font delivery.

According to its policy, Google takes the appropriate technical measures in order to ensure that your data is protected. Google does not require the visitor to be identified in order to use its fonts, and no information contained in cookies is sent to the Google Fonts service.

Requests to the Google Font Service API take place via domain names associated with that service, such as or, so that your font requests are separate and do not contain credentials send to from other Google services you have been identified, such as Gmail.

More information about Google Fonts and protecting your data while using it can be found here:

Google Maps

Our Site uses Google Maps (API) to provide geolocation information. When you use the Google Maps service, Google collects, processes and processes visitor data about the use of maps.

However, if you are visiting a map via Google Maps while you are logged in to a Google Account, your browsing habits can be personalised. To avoid this, you’ll first need to sign out of your Google Account.

More information about Google Maps and protecting your data while using it can be found here:


We embed videos from YouTube on our Site, using Google’s enhanced data protection feature. This means that Google will only store your data if you click play on the video. The data that Google receives when viewing a video contains:

  • IP address
  • The specific address of our page from which you gained access
  • Information about your browser
  • Date and time of access
  • Cookies that already exist and through which your browser can be clearly identified.

We would like to point out that Google may receive additional data through cookies that have already been stored. We have no influence on the way and extent to which this data is used by Google, which is solely responsible for this processing. Learn more here:


Our website uses Jetpack, a service provided by Automattic Inc. based in the United States, San Francisco, 60 29th Street # 343, CA 94110-4929.

We use a range of features provided by JetPack, which allow us, for example, to receive information about the way you are browsing the Site, in order to analyse and improve the use of the Site and provide better services to you.

The information we process includes the type and version of the browser, information about the operating system you are using, information about the mobile devices you may be using, the time of the visit, and the website or application from which your visit originated. This data is used solely for statistical purposes.

We apply technical and organizational measures in order to ensure that your data is adequately protected, such as IP anonymization and transferring data to Automattic servers using secure connections (https, ssl).

Automattic is certified under the Privacy Shield framework, which provides appropriate guarantees for compliance with European data protection legislation (

You can find more information on Automattic’s privacy policy: and information about Jetpack cookies:

D. Performance cookies

These cookies collect information about the way you use the Site, such as, for example, the pages you visit most often, the page from which your visit originated and other information. These cookies collect aggregate, anonymous statistical data which cannot be used to identify visitors individually. They are used for the sole purpose of analysing traffic and improving the Site performance.

Information about Google Analytics service (with anonymization)

The Site uses the Google Analytics service for the purpose of recording the number of visitors to the site.

Google Analytics, which relies on the use of cookies, is the most popular service for the collection and analysis of data regarding the behaviour of visitors to websites on the internet.

The purpose of using the Google Analytics service is for the processing of anonymous information with the purpose of improving the Site, such as for example, determining which page we need to improve and in what way, in order to make it more user-friendly, and also to carry out cost/ benefit analysis for the purposes of promotion and advertising. We store this information for twenty four (24) months.

The creator and owner of the Google Analytics service is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA.

In the context of the Google Analytics service, the Site utilises the “Anonymise IP” option which is offered by Google as part of the Analytics service. With this specific application, access to your IP address is restricted to Google and it is anonymised while you are accessing our Site.

The cookies used to save certain information such as the time at which you accessed the site, the type of browser you are using, the location from which you accessed the site as well as the frequency of your visits to the site. With each visit to the site, the anonymised data are transmitted to Google’s server. More information on Google’s personal data processing policy can be found here and you can also find out about the use of cookies in the context of the Google Analytics service here.

The cookie is used to save certain useful information such as the timestamp of user access, the location from which the user access was made and the frequency of the user accesses to the website.

You may find additional information about the policy of handling your data by Google and its usage of cookies pertaining to the Analytics service here:

By using anonymization techniques and best practices, as we do in the website, the cookies that pertain to measuring the traffic of the website do not pose any dangers as to the privacy of its users. However, based on current legislation we are obliged to ask for your consent in order to install and use them. Beyond this consent you have the right to regulate the cookie behaviour via the relative settings of your browser (check the end of this text for more info on that).

The default setting in most browsers is the automatic acceptance of all cookies. However, you may change these settings in ways that can block all cookies or just allow certain categories of them. In few cases only the blocking of certain cookies may result certain features of the website to not function.

You have the option to completely block collection of your data by Google Analytics, by installing an add-on to your preferred browser (plug-in):

 _gaGoogle13 monthsIt is used to distinguish users from each other.
_gid Google13 monthsIt is used to distinguish users from each other.
CONSENTGoogle13 monthsIt is used to connect the user to Google Maps.
SIDCCGoogle12 monthsIt is used to connect the user to Google Maps.
AECGoogle6 months“AEC” cookies ensure that requests in a browsing session are made by the user and not by other websites. These cookies prevent malicious websites from acting on behalf of a user without the user’s knowledge.
__Secure-ENIDGoogle13 monthsTo secure digitally signed and encrypted data from the unique Google ID and store the most recent login time that Google uses to identify visitors, prevent fraudulent use of login data and protect visitor data from unauthorized parties.
__Secure-1PSIDCCGoogle13 monthsBuilds a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalized ads through retargeting.
SOCSGoogle13 monthsCookie, ‘SOCS’, lasts for 13 months and is also used to store a user’s state regarding their cookies choices.

Ε. Cookies and similar targeting / advertising technologies

Facebook Custom Audience Pixel

This Site uses Facebook pixel, a Facebook Inc. service. (1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA). It’s basically a small piece of Javascript code that we’ve integrated into the Site.

This piece of code provides various functions for sending specific data to Facebook about a visitor’s actions. We use this service to record information about how visitors use your website.

This pixel records and provides Facebook with information about the user’s browser settings, a fragmented (hashed) version of the Facebook ID and the URL you are visiting.

In this way, every Facebook user gets a distinct Facebook ID regardless of the device used, through which it is possible to target our visitors again for advertising purposes through Facebook ads.

This information is kept for a maximum period of 180 days. After this period the information is deleted until the visitor visits our website again. The Site does not have the ability to identify users, as we do not receive such data from Facebook, only anonymous statistical information.

We are not able to know what information is provided about users through cookies and other technologies used by Facebook itself. Find out more about Facebook’s data protection policies at, your preferences over and how Facebook pixel technology works


We use DoubleClick, a service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, “Google”). DoubleClick uses cookies to display ads tailored to users’ preferences.

Cookies are used to recognise which ads have already been displayed in your browser and if you have accessed a site through an ad. According to Google, during this process, cookies do not record personal information and cannot be linked to such.

If you wish, you can generally prevent the storage of cookies that are necessary for this process through the settings of your browser.

You can also select the types of Google ads that appear to you and turn off ads that appear based on your interests through the ad settings.

Alternatively, you can disable the use of cookies by third parties through the relevant service of Network Advertising Initiative. In this case, however, we and Google will continue to receive statistical information on the number of users who have visited the Website and when. If you do not want to be included in these statistics, you can use a suitable plug-in in your browser (for example the Ghostery plugin).

F . Log Files

Because of the nature and way in which the internet works, when you visit our website, our server immediately records your IP address in special log files, which constitute personal data, even if we are not able to identify you based on that information alone.

In addition, our logs also help us to record the type of browser, the operating system you are using, and other information about your online visit, such as the URL address from which you reached our page, and the date and time of your visit.

These data are stored only for the amount of time necessary to protect network security, information and services from accidental events or illegal or malicious acts that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal data (e.g. checking for “Denial of Service, DoS” attacks).

G. How can you control cookies in your browser?

You are able to set your web browser setting in order to accept or refuse certain or all cookies.  Each browser differs in the way it manages cookie settings, so in order  to manage and deactivate cookies, follow the instructions for each browser:

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